Appalachian Regional Library - Wilkes County Blog
'Love Your Library' Open House
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 16:21by Suzanne Manners, County Librarian
During February, don’t forget to show your love for your library! This month, libraries are nationally celebrated for their value in the community. You may be familiar with the saying, “It’s not a house; it’s a home…” In a similar vein, we can say, “It’s not just a building that houses books; it’s the heart of the community!”
A Family of Presidents, A Mind of Reflection: The Story of Henry Adams
Tuesday, 28 January 2025 14:56by Suzanne Manners, Wilkes County Librarian
February is a month that celebrates the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Additionally, we commemorate the literary birthday of Henry Adams, who was born on February 16, 1838. The connection between Henry Adams and Lincoln is noteworthy, as Henry lived during Lincoln's presidency and had access to firsthand accounts from that time. Furthermore, Henry comes from an extraordinary presidential lineage; his great-grandfather, John Adams, served as the second president, while his grandfather, John Quincy Adams, was the sixth president.
January Brings Fine Forgiveness and Reading Resolutions
Saturday, 04 January 2025 15:00by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian
Wilkes County Public Library is excited to promote "Food for Fines" during the week of January 13-18. At this time, library patrons are encouraged to bring undamaged and unexpired, boxed, or canned non-perishable food items to the library. We also welcome donations of pet food, as dogs and cats need to eat too!
John Lukacs, a Churchill expert, is January’s Literary Birthday Spotlight
Thursday, 02 January 2025 16:50This month's featured author is John Lukacs, born on January 31, 1924. His book, Five Days in London, May 1940, recounts Winston Churchill's initial days in office as Britain's newly elected Prime Minister. Lukacs is known for his ability to portray complex events and situations with remarkable clarity.
Wilkes County Library Celebrates 25th Building Anniversary with Renovation Project
Thursday, 29 August 2024 18:47by Suzanne Moore, County Librarian
A library renovation project begins in mid-October and is expected to be completed in early 2025. The improvements will utilize the current space to expand services and modernize appearance. Most importantly the project includes the installation of an upstairs bathroom. The original building plan only provided restroom facilities for patrons on the main floor. Everyone is looking forward to having a bathroom upstairs! Other renovation highlights include a new stage (wired for sound) to hold concerts and programs and a podcast studio for staff and patron use.
Roll Out to the Library this September for Library Card Sign-Up Month!
Thursday, 29 August 2024 18:20by Suzanne Moore, County Librarian
Celebrate Library Card Sign-up Month this September with Wilkes County Public Library and the American Library Association! We're inviting everyone to discover the incredible resources and opportunities available at your local library by signing up for a library card.
This year, we’re thrilled to have Optimus Prime from the TRANSFORMERS as our special ambassador, highlighting that there's more than meets the eye at Wilkes County Public Library. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, find valuable information, or connect with fellow avid readers, a library card unlocks a world of possibilities.
Beat the Heat with Summer Reading Adventures at Wilkes County Public Library!
Saturday, 29 June 2024 16:28by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian
Check out some good books and join us for cool events to help you through the “dog days of summer.” There is something at the library for everyone and as of our last count, 597 children have signed up for this year’s program “Adventure Begins at Your Library.”
Overdose Prevention Lunch & Learn
Wednesday, 08 May 2024 15:36The library is hosting a Lunch & Learn program on May 22 at noon, and all are invited to attend. The Health Foundation and Recovery Revolution’s Crisis Intervention Team will be speaking about our county's response to the opioid epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that drugs claim almost 300 lives every day. Attendees will learn about the stigma surrounding addiction and treatment, life-saving Naloxone, and facts about Fentanyl. Lunch will be provided, so registration is required. Please call 336.838.2818 x232 to register.