Appalachian Regional Library - Wilkes County Blog
Get in Your Element this Fall with a Library Card
Friday, 01 September 2023 13:07Suzanne Moore, County Librarian
September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when Wilkes County Public Library joins the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries nationwide to remind everyone about the valuable resources available with a library card.
Since 1987, Library Card Sign-up Month takes place each September to mark the beginning of the school year. During the month, the ALA and libraries work together in a national effort to ensure every child signs up for their own library card.
Human Books on Loan at The Masthead
Tuesday, 29 August 2023 14:50by Sebastian Dionicio
Wilkes County Public Library held its first Human Library on August 22, 2023, at The Masthead, located in North Wilkesboro, in honor of American novelist and short-story writer Ray Bradbury, where a diverse selection of human "books" were available for "check out" and "readers," like me, were encouraged to look beyond preconceived notions of others and instead to the person who lies within the "pages."
Reflections on Oppenheimer: the Biography and Film
Tuesday, 25 July 2023 13:44by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian
Traphill Branch Library (and Wilkes Co. Library) coincidently recognizes two books with a unique connection. The Reading Trap Book Club’s Literary Birthday celebrations honored July’s birthday author Martin Sherwin (b. 2 July 1937) and during August pays respect to Barbara Stoller-Miller (b. 8 August 1909).
Kindness Wins with Summer Reading!
Monday, 26 June 2023 17:54by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian
The Wilkes County Public Library launched a successful summer reading campaign with 639 people signed up to participate as of last Friday. If you are reading this now, it is not too late to register . . . you have until Saturday, July 1. This year the summer reading theme is ‘All Together Now’ with an emphasis on kindness, friendship and unity. All ages are encouraged to relish in good reading and programs. In addition, there are many incentives for tracking your time spent reading. Sign up, READ ON and win prizes!
Explore the Desert at Home with this Recommended Armchair Travel Read
Monday, 26 June 2023 17:45by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian
Last month The Reading Trap Book Club (a Traphill Branch Library program) celebrated Wilfred Patrick Thesiger’s birthday (b. June 3, 1910), by reading his amazing travel memoir Arabian Sands. National Geographic notes this book as one of the greatest adventure stories of all time.
Timely Reads Recognize New/Old Authors and Celebrate Spring
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 08:25by Suzanne Moore, County Librarian
Arto Paasilinna (b. April 20, 1942) and Pär Lagerkvist (b. May 23, 1891) are two notable authors with books highlighted as part of Traphill Library’s Literary Birthdays Series. Paasilinna, a Finnish author, has works translated into twenty-seven different languages and Lagerkvist, a Swedish author, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1951.
Celebrate National Library Week April 23-29, 2023
Sunday, 23 April 2023 19:24by, Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Library
Wilkes County Public Library encourages all community members to visit the library during National Library Week, April 23-29, to explore all they have to offer.
Most people know about the wealth of stories available at the library, from picture books and large print to audiobooks and ebooks. But there's so much more to the story of libraries.
Octavio Paz, Latin America’s Literary Giant
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 14:37by, Suzanne Moore
Octavio Paz, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990, is an international figure who became a noted Mexican poet, essayist, and diplomat. He was born in Mexico City, on March 31, 1914, into a family with political and military ties. This time was of course during the height of the Mexican Revolution, and the outbreak of World War I. He saw the rise of fascism when Franco was the Spanish dictator, during World War II. Paz’s essays reflect turmoil and destruction of these times, the clash of cultures, and the identity of Latin America.