Items filtered by date: April 2024
Overdose Prevention Lunch & Learn
The library is hosting a Lunch & Learn program on May 22 at noon, and all are invited to attend. The Health Foundation and Recovery Revolution’s Crisis Intervention Team will be speaking about our county's response to the opioid epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that drugs claim almost 300 lives every day. Attendees will learn about the stigma surrounding addiction and treatment, life-saving Naloxone, and facts about Fentanyl. Lunch will be provided, so registration is required. Please call 336.838.2818 x232 to register.
Bob Dylan's Birthday Bash at Wilkes County Public Library
by Suzanne Moore, County Librarian
Bob Dylan, one of America's most beloved folk-rock icons, turns 83 on May 24, 2024. He is widely regarded as the greatest songwriter of all time and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016. In addition to his music career, he has pursued other interests, including painting, distilling, ironworking, and acting in several films.