Ashe Alert

Ashe County Public Library will open at 10 am on Monday, February 17. 





The vast majority of funding for library collections comes from donors. Our goal is to raise $160,000 for the Endowment over the next three years. Our community’s belief in our mission helped us build and furnish our beautiful library 15 years ago, and we are counting on that same level of commitment to make sure our library remains a place to find books that edify, entertain, and educate our community. Click here to learn more about Bucks for Books and to donate online.





The Friends of the Ashe County Library is a nonprofit, volunteer organization that supports the library through investments of time, talent, and donations. Friends members receive a 10% discount on Friends Corner items, a standing invitation to Friends events throughout the year, and the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting our amazing library and its staff! To learn more about the Friends, email them or call the library.





The Ashe County Public Library Endowment provides a permanent source of funding for library collections, programming, furnishings, and equipment. In particular, the library has no other dedicated source of funding for books, movies, or digital collections. The ACPL Endowment, which is managed by the North Carolina Community Foundation, accepts many types of charitable gifts, which are tax-deductible. These include cash, retirement assets, life insurance benefits, publicly traded securities, stocks, and real estate. Donate online or call the library to learn more.





The On the Same Page Festival brings first-class authors to our community for readings, workshops, and special events. The success of this event, which is co-sponsored by the library and Ashe County Arts Council, is due in large part to a group of dedicated supporters we call the Page Turners. Donate online or call the library for more information.





You can make a difference in the quality of library services in your community by sharing your time and talents. Whether shelving books one morning a week, working behind the scenes for a Friends of the Library book sale, or preparing crafts for a children’s story time, volunteers are essential to making the Ashe County Library the great place that it is. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the library or email us.





If you have a heart for libraries, we would love to talk with you about the possibility of serving as a library advocate on the Ashe County Library Advisory Board, Friends of the Ashe County Library Board, or On the Same Page Festival Committee. We are looking for people who appreciate libraries and would like to give back to their community. If you are interested in serving, please call the library or email us.