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Hart's Grocery Author Series: Diane Flynt @ Molly Chomper Cidery


Hart's Grocery Author Series is sponsored by Ashe County Public Library and Old Orchard Creek General Store. The 2024 series features 10 authors at seven events throughout the summer and fall. This event is co-sponsored by Molley Chomper Hard Cider.

We invite you to join us for a very special author event, enjoy a cider tasting, and browse holiday gifts from Molley Chomper and Old Orchard Creek General Store!

Diane Flynt grows cider apples in the southern Appalachians and writes about fruit, farming, and the South. In 1997, Diane planted a cider apple orchard and founded Foggy Ridge Cider, the first cidery in the South. She is a four-time James Beard Award nominee for Outstanding Beverage Professional, including Finalist in 2017 and 2018.

For anyone who's ever picked an apple fresh from the tree or enjoyed a glass of cider, writer and orchardist Diane Flynt offers a new history of the apple and how it changed the South and the nation. Showing how southerners cultivated over 2,000 apple varieties from Virginia to Mississippi, Flynt shares surprising stories of a fruit that was central to the region for over 200 years. Colorful characters abound in this history, including aristocratic Belgian immigrants, South Carolina plantation owners, and multiple presidents, each group changing the course of southern orchards.