Items filtered by date: November 2022

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:30

The Reading Trap is ‘Keeping it Reel’

The Reading Trap, meets every second Thursday (6:00 p.m.) in the Branch Library, 6938 Traphill Rd.  Traphill, NC.  With so many books to choose from, it is always exciting to see the list of books randomly selected for discussion. This book club narrows the list by reading a book each month in honor of a particular author’s birthday.  January begins with a celebration for J.R.R. Tolkien and his book The Hobbit.   Save the date and join The Reading Trap on January 12 for lively conversation and a taste of Bilbo Baggins’ Seed Cake.

For those who would rather ‘read’ the movie, The Reading Trap is ‘keeping it reel’ with free monthly features at Two Rivers Cinema in North Wilkesboro.  Visit the theater every first Saturday at 1:00 p.m. to see films based on, or related to, the book club’s monthly read.  Stop by to see The Hobbit on the big screen this Saturday, January 7 and have a ‘reel’ good time!

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:27

New Wellness Programming in 2023

We all need eight dimensions of wellness for a balanced life.   Each month the library will be holding programs with an emphasis on a dimension from the wellness wheel.  These will be presented in collaboration with community partners and bring encouragement, motivation, and accountability for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Be sure to check out the monthly displays for books related to our featured wellness topic.  There will also be activities for families and children of all ages. 

by Suzanne Moore, Wilkes County Librarian

‘Books Make Us Bright’ is Wilkes County Public Library’s holiday slogan and we are all excited to share the brightness during our Holiday Open House between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on December 13.  Stop by and enjoy refreshments, provided by our Friends of the Library.  In addition, along with new books to share, we are highlighting special additions to the library’s non-traditional collection.   *Let us just say that Santa came early this year!